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Betcha thought I had quit blogging, didn't you?! Nope. Just had to deal with the last month or so's worth of exhausting events. I've been kind-of down since the loss of hubby's grandfather, who was more like my own grandfather than an in-law. October 31st he was admitted to the hospital to be diagnosed a few days later with stage four lung cancer that had spread to the brain and lymph nodes. Thirty days later, he left us to go be with our heavenly Father.
Now, I'm not a big cryer....mainly because I'm not a "pretty" cryer, so I always hold it in. I'm one of those lucky people whose face blotches all up, the nose and eyes swell shut, and if I have on mascara...I look like I've been in a train wreck! But, over the last couple of weeks, I've cried more than I have in a long time.
Grandfather-in-law was doing pretty well until the last week of November. He was taken to the hospital for a severely swollen arm that turned out to be a massive blood clot. That was the beginning of the end and he knew it. Up until then, he'd been so hopeful he could beat the cancer, but at that point his tune changed and he quickly went downhill. God was incredibly good to him, though. He only had to take morphine the last three days and it was all over in a month's time. He was at peace and ready to go. The night before he passed, I could barely hear him as he held my hand, told me he hoped he see me on the other side and asked me to pray with him. Such a precious and sweet goodbye:) God answered all those prayers being lifted that he not suffer and when he slipped away, it was quickly and peacefully. What a blessing considering what we were all prepared to have to watch and deal with! What an awesome, loving and merciful God:)
So, now I'm trying to shake the sadness and get back into the swing of things, although I've made some changes lately. After spending nearly every day of the last month at the nursing home or hospital, I realized I had been given a gift I hadn't been fully using. Because I am a stay-at-home mommy and wife, I have the freedom to be available for those who need me in a way those working aren't. I became convicted of the fact that my 93 year old grandmother needed me more now as well as hubby's grandmother. So, I made the decision to give up my booth for the time being. As obvious as the decision was, it still was hard to do. I wanted to keep trying to fit it all in, but this past month has shown me that I just can't right now. My grandmother is in declining health. It's now my morning routine to take little guy to go check on her for "coffee" each day, once we get the other two off to school.
Now, let me clarify: I am still going to be doing projects and all the stuff I did, but the pressure of having to have pieces ready before the next sells is off of me for now. The store manager knows I plan to open my booth back up when I'm not needed so much. In the meantime, God has lined up an incredible amount of custom work, so I've still got tons to do and show as projects are completed and a little more time to devote to working on our own home!
Right now, we're enjoying Christmas break with the family and counting days until Santa comes and we can sing happy birthday to our Savior! How about you?
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