Today's Find!

I should have been at home cleaning and painting today, but I can only take so many days in a row before the treasure hunting bug bites hard! Seriously, I have a MOUNTAIN of laundry piled up, floors that desperately need mopping, plants that need planting, dust bunnies collecting, etc. I like it neat and organized (except when I'm working...then it's chaos) and when the house gets in a mess, I get stressed. Shoulda, coulda, woulda...didn't!

Doesn't matter. In the long run, who will care what my house looked like on May 5, 2011 besides me (oh, yeah. I have a hubby. Oh, well!)? Instead, I took the old finished shelving to the booth along with a few goodies and hit up a few of my favorite thrift stores. Want to see my "treasures"? This was my favorite! I'm still giddy about it.

Ain't she purdy?

This is a better confusing background.

Look at those gorgeous details!

More details (Ignore that "after" to the left. Forgot to remove it)!

Is she not gorgeous?! I found her in our Habitat ReStore. I stood there debating and nearly talked myself out of it. I even got in the car, but I was doing the math in my head and realized that I could make money on it and besides, I LOVED IT! So, out we went, back into the store (little guy was already buckled in!). It's missing a couple of it's crystals, but those are easily replaceable. I'm not even a brass kind-of girl, but I know beauty when I see it!

This is a piece I'm also struggling with letting go of. It's an old park bench that I've seen plenty of, but what got me was the awesome patina on the wood slats. It's currently parked in my yard being used by everyone. Can I bring myself to sell it? If I do, it'll get a good cleaning (not too much...want that mossy patina and chippy paint left) then a thick coat of poly.

See what I mean by Patina? Beautiful!

Wish I had arms like this (minus the rust...already getting that!).
 And last, but not least, I found this ottoman that needs some recovering but is in great structrual shape. Having made one almost identical, I knew I couldn't begin to get the parts for even a fraction of the price I paid for it. It's also an easy quick redo. There'll be after pics of this to come.

Well, there you have it. I pretended I had a clean house, laundry was done, and paint was magically applying itself and took little guy out treasure hunting for the day.

Miss Bee

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