I would have never thought…..

…… in a million years that my little booth would have done as well as it has.  It has only been a little over a month and I’m working my butt off to restock but I’m as happy as I can be!  

On Friday, Charlie and I loaded my SUV up and headed over to restock and I couldn’t get things in my booth fast enough.  People were going through and buying things that were sitting in the aisle.   

Today, I thought I would show you around my booth and let you see what has been keeping me so busy. 







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Below is a picture of my booth when I moved in a little over a month ago and very few things you see are still there!  


I had been asked by the Antique Mall Manger if I would consider moving to the front of the store.  After flip flopping back and forth, I’ve made the decision that I would move to the front effective February 1st.   I hope I do as well there as I have in the back. 

If I’m MIA for a little while….just bare with me as I still have tons of things to do. 

As always, thanks for stopping by and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 


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Savvy Southern Style for WOW Us Wednesday

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